The Institutional Review Board

Professor Eran Dolev Chairman, Institutional Review Board.


Professor Meir Lahav – Chairman, Departmental Review Board of Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, Medicine and Engineering.


Professor Dafhna Hacker/Professor Shoshana Shilo – Chairman, Departmental Review Board of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Arts and Management.


Ms. Einat Berlowitz – Coordinator, Institutional Review Board – Tel: 03-6409673.



A board operates at Tel Aviv University, as in other academic institutions in Israel, which is engaged in the ethical aspects of research studies on humans – the IRB - Institutional Review Board (hereinafter: the “Board”).


The function of the Board is to verify that the research being conducted on human subjects by the University’s investigators meet ethical criteria and to approve such research. It should be noted that this is not the “Helsinki Committee” which approves human trials under the law and operates solely in medical institutions. The Institutional Review Board may not – according to the current regulations, approve clinical trials. Instead the Board operates two departmental – inter-faculty boards – one in the area of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Management and Arts, and the other in the areas of Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, Medicine and Engineering. The function of these Boards is to ensure compliance with ethical rules in human research studies, bio-medical research and research in areas of Social and Behavioral Sciences.


Research will not be conducted at any level whatsoever on humans, either in the framework of degree studies or in the framework of research studies being conducted by members of staff without the prior written approval of the Board and subject to the regulations and guidelines of the Board or of the sub-boards concerned.


An investigator proposing the research or instructing whosoever is proposing such research will apply in writing to the Chairman of the Board concerned to obtain approval. The Board will examine the proposal in light of acceptable ethical principles, including conducting a risk benefit analysis, proper treatment of subjects, including the safeguarding of their wellbeing, dignity and rights, respecting privacy and informed consent.


In each case, even after obtaining the Board’s approval to conduct the research, the investigator is still fully responsible for maintaining ethical principles when conducting the research, in particular in all matters relating to ethical treatment of the human subjects participating in the research. Furthermore, the investigator participating in a clinical trial being conducted in hospitals or other medical entities and in collaboration with them, must ensure that there is insurance.


Dear Researcher,

We would like to inform you that the submission of applications to the Ethics Committee will now be made online. (E-mail requests will not be reviewed).

In  order to submit a request for approval of the committee, you must enter the ERP system according to the instruction below.


Note that!!! The Login will be done using your user name and personal password for all university sites


For the attention of the investigators: this approval will remain in effect for one year from the date of its issue, unless stated otherwise. 


אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות יש לפנות למערכת הפניות >>