Summary of University Procedures 2021- 2022

עודכן: 12.09.2021

This Summary of University Procedures (SUP) incorporates the University’s main regulations and rules on the issue of studies and teaching. The University reserves the right to make changes to all rules, procedures, regulations and study programs without having to personally notify all those concerned.


Students are also required to take note of the ongoing information published on the websites of the faculties, schools, departments, divisions and libraries that may supplement or even change the details included in this file.


As stated, the information presented here is in a summarized form and does not release from the obligation to view the University Guidelines website. Where there are matters not appearing in this summary or in the full University Guidelines on the website of the Legal Adviser’s office, please contact the relevant offices in the faculty, school or department.


Any words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and/or neutral genders.


General Academic Information


Student – Definition


A Tel Aviv University student shall be deemed anyone admitted for studies by a competent entity at the University and/or permitted to continue his studies under the rules of the University and the faculty or study unit in which he is studying, and he did everything required for studying, including registration for courses and the payment of tuition fees as required. The obligation to pay tuition fees also applies to students who are partially or fully exempt from payment of tuition fees.


A University employee who is part of the administrative or technical staff shall not be permitted to study in the faculty in which he is working. A member of the academic staff at the rank of lecturer and above shall not be permitted to study for advanced degrees in the faculty in which he works.


Any exception to these rules requires the approval of the Rector.


Transmission of personal information on a student - according to the provisions of the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, the University may transmit information on a student only to the student himself. Transmission of information to a student’s relatives is prohibited, even if they are a spouse, parents, siblings or other relatives. Transmission of information about a student to another person shall only be permitted if a power of attorney is presented duly signed by the student and in which he declares his consent to the transmission of information.


Student Affairs – Who to Contact


Academic and administrative officers handling student affairs:

The faculty is the organizational framework in which the schools, departments and study programs from similar disciplines operate. The faculty is responsible for the academic and administrative matters within its field. The faculty may determine study rules in addition to the University rules. The faculty handles the administrative and academic affairs of students during their studies.


  • Prior to the date of registration to courses, letters are sent to students (by mail or email) from the departments / units, containing information in respect of the study programs, registration dates and general guidelines. Guidance counselors are appointed in each department or unit whose function is to guide the students, if necessary, in all matters relating to the composition of the study program. The names of the counselors and their reception hours are published by the faculty or by the study unit before the commencement of the academic year. The unit counselors have set reception hours in which the students may contact them during the academic year.


  •  Lecturers may be approached on all matters relating to the courses they teach. Reception hours of teachers and ways to contact them are published at the beginning of the academic year on the department’s website and in its publications.




  • Contacting a department head or division head – a student wanting the advice of a department head or division head can contact him in the reception hours published on the faculty websites.


  • Contacting a faculty office or school office – on unresolved matters during the general handling of the departments, the student may contact the faculty office. Reception hours are published on the faculty website.


  • Contacting the teaching committee – on matters handled by the teaching committee, the student may contact the chair of the teaching committee through the Assistant to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Teaching, or through the office of the head of the school. The student shall specify in his request what he is requesting or the reason for his request. The student can obtain an explanation on the nature of the issues dealt with by the teaching committee at the faculty office or school office.


  • Contacting the administrative assistant to the faculty dean – on matters that were left unresolved within the general handling of the departments or of the faculty office, the student may contact the administrative associate to the faculty dean upon prior coordination.


  • Contacting the faculty dean or the school head – a student wishing to contact the faculty dean or school head shall submit a request through the dean’s office. The student shall specify in his request what he is requesting or the reason for his request. It is desirable that the request comes after the student attempted to exhaust his other options for clarification as stated above.


  • Dean of Students – please read the Dean of Students’ website on its services.


  • Student Ombudsman – Prof. Danny More.


  • Contacting the students’ department in the Student Services Division – the division handles, among other things, follow-up and control over the general student requirements in all degrees. Likewise, the department handles the updating of a student’s status at the University, updating personal details, such as a change of name, change of marital status, supplementation of documents, certificates on a person being a student at the University.


  • Contacting the Academic Secretariat – on unresolved matters when handled by the faculty, school or Dean of Students, the student can contact the Academic Secretariat.
  • Sexual harassment – Prof. Tamar Brosh of the School of Dental Medicine is serving in the position of Sexual Harassment Prevention Commissioner. Prof. Brosh can be contacted on 03-6407875 or by email. Mr. Ehud Or is serving in the position of Deputy Sexual Harassment Prevention Commissioner. Mr. Or can be contacted at 03-6405902. For further information please view the procedure on the prevention of sexual harassment.


  • Personal student information online and on the app – student information portal on studies.


Degrees Granted by the University


The University shall grant a diploma to every student who successfully completes a study program entitling him to a degree and who has fulfilled his obligations as required. The degree diploma shall be granted at a graduation ceremony, as shall be determined in each of the units. Certificates on eligibility to a degree may be obtained from the faculty office by the date of the ceremony.


Generally, the degrees granted at Tel Aviv University are the following:

Bachelor’s degree (undergraduate degree) B.A., B.Sc. (according to the field)

Master’s degree (graduate degree) M.A., M.Sc. (according to the field)

Doctor of Philosophy   Ph.D.

Doctor of Medicine   M.D.

Doctor of Dentistry D.M.D.


In addition to the above degrees, Tel Aviv University grants additional special degrees and they have special abbreviations.


Changing or Adding a Major (for Continuing Students)


University students wishing to change or add a study course shall register on the regular registration dates, and the regular registration and admission conditions shall apply to them, as set


The period of time to complete the University obligations, such as the level of English and the level of Hebrew of a student changing a course or a study track starts on the date of commencement of studies at the University and not from the semester in which the student moved to the new major or study track.


Registration for Additional Study Program


An undergraduate student studying one major in an expanded format (single major) or two majors in a dual-major format may study concurrently one additional major in a dual-major program. The student must undergo the regular registration and admission procedures for the additional major he is interested in studying and on the official dates. Upon completion of studies a special certificate will be granted granting a right to continue to an advanced degree in the same field (subject to compliance with the admission conditions).


It is possible to register to an additional study program in the first year of study at the University, subject to approval and the study regulations of each unit. The Law Faculty, the School of Social Work and also the Humanities, Social Science and Administration Faculties allow all their students to study concurrently another major in the dual-major track in addition to the degree studies. A student in another faculty shall address a written request to the teaching committees of the faculty and shall submit the approval of the teaching committees to the Students’ Division in the Registration and Students Administration Division before the commencement of the academic year.

Approval to study concurrently in an additional study program is also required for a graduate or doctoral student studying for an additional degree. A student studying another course of study for two degrees or diplomas in the same academic year shall be obligated to add to the tuition fees he owes for each degree separately (detailed information on the Tuition Fees Department website).


Registration for Courses


Registration for courses takes place around the time of commencement of the academic year or around the time of commencement of each semester.

Registration dates in all study units are brought to the attention of the students. Any registration or change will take place on these dates only. At the end of the period of registration and changes, the student is under a responsibility to check the output on registration to courses.

Please note that at the end of the course registration period a calculation is made of the tuition fee. Any courses to which the student is registered shall be taken into account for the purpose of the calculation.


A student who on account of military reserve duty is absent from an examination in a course which constitutes a precondition, is entitled to study conditionally in an advanced course or in a more advanced year until completion of the examination.


A female student who is absent from an examination in a course due to an entitling event, is entitled to study conditionally in an advanced course or an advanced year until completion of the examination.


Class Attendance


The obligation to attend classes is at the discretion of the lecturer and shall be noted on the course syllabus.

A register of attendance is carried out according to the internal procedures of each faculty. In case of a student who is absent from a class where active participation is mandatory or he did not actively participate, the teacher may notify the office to delete his name from the list of students (the student will be charged the payment for this course).

There can be no registration to courses with overlapping study hours.

The obligation to attend classes shall not be enforced against students who were away on account of reserve duty service or on national holidays appearing in the academic calendar, on condition that they pre-arrange the way to fulfill their academic obligations.


Absence from lessons due to fertility treatments, high risk pregnancies, birth, adoption or receiving custody of a child or fostering a child (according to a decision of the Council for Higher Education of September 4, 2018) – a student is entitled to be absent for one of the above events from 30% of all classes in any course, subject to a notice to the lecturer and presentation of a medical or other certificate to justify this. Furthermore, students are entitled to a further absence of 10% from all classes for taking care of a baby in the first year of his life. The student is obligated to notify the lecturer and keep updated on how to catch up with the material.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, and for the avoidance of doubt, in practical courses, training courses, clinical courses, laboratories and other courses in which attendance is mandatory, the students must take into account that they are required to catch up with the material and the assignments according to the lecturer’s guidelines, or even redo the course (at the discretion of the lecturer and the teaching committee). The recommendation is to avoid as far as possible absence from these classes.


Consideration of Students on National Holidays (Decisions of Council for Higher Education)


A national holiday, defined in the legislation as one of the days of rest for non-Jewish employees, shall be recognized as a day of rest for a non-Jewish student, according to the details below. A student shall be entitled to be absent from classes on a national holiday, and this absence shall not be taken into account within the permitted days of absence.


Where a date has been scheduled for the submission of an assignment on a national holiday, the student shall be permitted to submit such assignment on the day immediately after the national holiday.


A student who is absent from an examination held on a national holiday shall be entitled to be examined at a special sitting, as stated in the Examinations Procedure.


List of recognized national holidays:

Christian holidays: Christmas (two days), New Year, Epiphany, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Pentecost.


Muslim holidays: 1st Muharram (New Year), Prophet’s Birthday, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha.

Druse holidays: Eid al-Adha, Ziyarat al-Nabi Shu’ayb (Jethro), Feast of al-Khader (Elijah the Prophet).



Conduct in Classrooms


Eating is prohibited in the lecture halls (during lectures, examinations and also during breaks).

Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings.

Mobile telephones cannot be used in the lecture halls, and in the libraries – only in permitted areas.




Examinations generally take place at the end of each course, at the end of the semester or at the end of the academic year. Only those students who fulfill the academic requirements of the course and paid the tuition fees according to their undertaking and subject to the University’s tuition fees regulations, shall be permitted to participate in these examinations.

Undergraduate degree or graduate degree students (with the exception of international programs) are entitled to be examined at two examination sittings determined by the University, under the same conditions and in the same format, as long as they fulfill the course obligations allowing them to be examined, irrespective of their level of achievement in previous examinations.

The examination dates shall be published in the bulletins on the website and in the personal information at the beginning of each year, prior to the date for registration for courses. The student is responsible for being kept updated on the dates of examinations for courses.

If an examination is scheduled on one of the non-Jewish holidays mentioned under the law as days of rest, the student is entitled to be examined at a special sitting.


Instructions to examinee:


1.       The examinee is to be examined only in the room in which he is registered.

2.       The examinee must enter the examination room 10 minutes before the time for its commencement, and he will not be permitted to leave the room, except subject to sections 5 and 12.

3.       At the time of entry into the examination, the examinee shall give the invigilator a photo identification card.

4.       Upon entry into the examination room the examinee shall leave his belongings at the front, including wireless communication devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, laptops (except for those authorized by the teaching committee), which he shall leave in off mode. The examinee shall only be in possession of permitted material for use in the examination, he shall sit in the seat allocated to him by the invigilator and he shall refrain from conversation.

          Throughout the examination it is absolutely prohibited to keep within reach, inside or close to the examination room, any material relating to the examination itself or the course in which the examination is being held, except for material whose use was permitted in writing by the teacher.

5.       An examinee who entered the examination room and received an examination paper shall be deemed to be an examinee on such date. An examinee who decided not to write the examination may not be permitted to leave the examination room until the expiration of half an hour after the time of its commencement, after having completed his personal details on the notebook and returned the notebook and the examination paper. His grade in the examination shall be 0 (zero).

6.       The examinee shall review the examination paper only after having been given permission to do so by the invigilator.

7.       Only the examination paper, the examination notebook and material permitted to be used in the examination shall be on the examinee’s table.

8.       Upon receipt of the examination notebook the examinee shall complete the particulars required on the examination notebook only on the place designated for this purpose. No name or other identifying particular shall be written inside the examination notebook.

9.       An examinee receiving more than one examination notebook shall write on the cover of each notebook its number out of the total number of notebooks in his possession, for example, Notebook 1 of 2, Notebook 2 of 2, and so forth.

10.     Answers should be written in pen in clear and legible handwriting. An examinee choosing to write a draft shall do so on the right-hand page of the examination notebook and write at the top of the page ‘draft’.

          An examinee shall not use the examination paper or any other paper for the purpose of writing a draft. Do not remove pages from the examination notebook.

11.     An examinee shall not enter the examination room after the door has been closed, except in special cases and with a special permit from the person in charge of the examinations and with the approval of the teacher or his deputy, and by no later than 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination.

12.     An examinee shall not leave his place or talk with anyone else during the examination. Anyone with a request or question shall raise his hand.

13.     Any examination notebook in the possession of an examinee shall be under his supervision and responsibility throughout the entire examination. An examinee leaving the room during the examination after having been permitted to do so, must deposit his notebooks and the examination paper with the invigilator.

14.     An examinee is prohibited from removing from the room any material in connection with the examination.

15.     Any instruction given by the invigilator by virtue of his function must be complied with.

16.     At the end of the examination the examinee shall return the examination notebooks together with the examination paper and shall receive back his identification card.

17.     An examinee acting in contravention of the rules of this directive and its appendices is liable to the discontinuation of his examination by the teacher and may even be liable to disciplinary action.


Special sittings



The following students shall be eligible for a special sitting, all according to the conditions specified below:

1. Reserve duty – a student who is absent from an examination due to reserve duty service is entitled to be examined on a special sitting for each sitting he missed:

A student who was on reserve duty service for 3 days or less, and on condition that the faculty recognized this reserve duty service as recognized reserve duty service (see below).

A student who was on active and continuous reserve duty service of 4-6 days, and the examination was held in a range of 48 hours after the date of his return from reserve duty.

A student who was on active reserve duty service for a continuous period of 7 or more days and the examination date was within 7 days of the date of his release.

A student who in the course of the semester close in time to the examination period served a reserve duty service of at least 10 consecutive days of reserve duty or 21 days cumulatively, is entitled to be examined in any course he should have been examined in the period of examinations, in a special sitting at the end or close to the end of the semester.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, eligibility for a special sitting shall not alter the student’s right to attend two examination dates only in each course.

A student who due to active reserve duty service submitted an appeal upon delay and as a result he was not given a grade until after the date on which the second sitting took place, which he did not sit, shall be entitled to a special sitting if, in any event, such a sitting is taking place.

2. Pregnancy or childbirth – a student who is absent from an examination due to an entitling event (an event in relation to pregnancy, childbirth, fertility treatments, adoption or receiving custody of a child) is entitled to a special sitting.

In an event in relation to fertility treatments, adoption and receiving custody of a child, the rule is also valid for male students.

A student after childbirth, adoption or receiving custody of a child who is absent from an examination in the period of 14 weeks after the date of the birth, adoption or receiving custody of a child, is entitled to a special sitting.

3. Mourning period – a student whose first degree relative (parent, siblings, husband/wife, son/daughter) has passed away, and the date of death took place on the date of an examination or during the two weeks preceding the examination date or during the days of the shiva (mourning period).

4. An examination scheduled on one of the non-Jewish national holidays and on condition the student, belonging to the denomination, sat at another sitting of the examination.

5. Fast days – an examination on one of the sittings (A or B) which took place in the afternoon hours (from 2 pm) and on condition the student is a member of the denomination.

6. Overlapping examinations in mandatory courses (in a study program of the same year) – examinations in sitting A or sitting B taking place at the same time in the day or in a period of 24 hours at the most, and subject to the student having sat one of the two examinations at sitting A.

7. Approval of the teaching committee – a student who the faculty committee or the unit committee (at the decision of the faculty) decided he was entitled to a special sitting.

8. A student whose grade in his sitting A was published less than a week before the date on which sitting B takes place.

9. A student who was examined in an examination in which not all the conditions were satisfied in respect of the presence of a lecturer / teaching assistant in the examination (section 22 of the procedure).


Scheduling a special sitting:


Generally, a special sitting will be given as close in time as possible to the semester in which the course was studied. A notice on holding a special sitting shall be published at least 10 days before the planned date, and upon personal coordination with the eligible student, all at the decision of the faculty. This arrangement does not apply to eligibility to a special sitting due to sickness of at least 3 days. A special examination sitting for students who served on reserve duty shall take place after the end of the reserve duty service in a manner that will allow the student time to prepare for the examination.


In cases in which an identical course takes place in the following semester or the following year to the semester in which the examination took place, the faculty may authorize the student, upon his request, to schedule a special sitting to take place together with the regular sitting of the examination in the following semester or the following year.


In cases where the course pass grade is a condition for registration to another course and the special sitting takes place after registration for the course, the student may be registered to the following course, and his registration shall be on condition that he passes the examination on time.


The special examination sitting for students who served in reserve duty shall take place after the end of the reserve duty service in a manner that will allow the student time to prepare for the examination.


Recognition of reserve duty service:

1. Active reserve duty service shall only be recognized if the student presents official certificates.

2. In cases where the student is absent from an examination due to reserve duty service of 3 days or less, the reserve duty service shall be recognized only if the student notified the office thereof immediately upon receipt of a call-up order.

3. The unit may not recognize reserve duty service in cases where it becomes apparent that the student chose to perform the reserve duty service on the date when the examination took place.


Additional sitting for sickness of at least 3 days


A student who was not examined due to sickness of at least three days shall be eligible for an additional sitting in each of the courses in this period of sickness, subject to the following rules;

1. The student shall present a sick note issued during the sick days;

2. The student sat one of the two sittings of the examination.

The number of sick notes granting eligibility to an additional sitting in respect of sickness shall be limited to twice in a semester in all the student’s majors jointly (for the avoidance of doubt, the dual-major and double major programs, or in a post-degree course of study – twice in total and not four times). In exceptional cases a student may apply to the teaching committee of the unit.

An additional sitting for sickness of at least 3 days will be given in the following semester or the following year, if the course takes place. If a special sitting takes place for those serving in reserve duty or students having given birth, it is also possible to add to this sitting any students who presented a sick note at one of the two sittings scheduled in advance.


Special examinations arrangement for students with learning difficulties


Students with learning difficulties are entitled to academic accommodations to give them an equal opportunity to succeed in the examinations. The entitlement to accommodations is based on an opinion given by the Center for Academic and Professional Advice at the Dean of Students and with the approval of the teaching committee of the department / faculty.

A student who underwent an assessment of the National Center for Examinations and Evaluation (MTL) is invited to the Center for Academic and Professional Advice to check the accommodations granted to him and to obtain a report in which he will be recommended for the academic accommodations to which he is entitled. The recommendations of the Center shall be the recommendations to be referred for the approval of the faculty teaching committee.


Extension of examinations for new immigrant students

New immigrant students who arrived in Israel in the seven years preceding the commencement of their undergraduate degree studies are entitled to an extension of 30 minutes in each examination taking place in Hebrew.


Evaluation of examinations and publishing of grades

The teacher shall finish checking the examination notebooks within a period of time to allow for publication of the grades and by no later than two weeks after the date of the examination. In multiple choice examinations (American examinations) the examination grades shall be given no later than one week after the date the examination was held.



A student is entitled to review any examination he sat after the publication of the grades.


An examinee is entitled to an appeal on the examination grade in a course or in a thesis in a course within 5 days of the date of publication of the grade or of the date of disclosure of the scanned notebook (the further date of the two) in the student’s personal information.

The teacher must respond to the appeal in writing within 10 days of the date of publication of the grades or the scanned examination notebook (according to the later of the two).

An examination in respect of which an appeal was submitted shall be re-examined fully. The teacher shall record his decision in the appeal, and in the case of a rejection, he shall record the ground for his decision.


The appeal shall be submitted in the computerized appeals system.

Unscanned examinations - an appeal will be submitted to the unit office according to the unit’s internal procedures.

The published grade is the final grade, as long as the results of the appeal have not been published.

Further information:


Submission of Papers

A paper is any homework assignment, including a final paper in a course, a seminar paper, an oral presentation, a project and interim assignment during a course, such as a laboratory or experiment report. The rules in the procedure on submission of papers and abstracts do not apply to final papers for Master’s and Ph.D. degrees. Final papers for Master’s and Ph.D. degrees must be dealt with under the teaching regulations relevant to these degrees.


Rules for writing and submission of papers:

Any paper submitted by a student must be the product of the student’s own independent work. Writing the paper is subject to the rules and guidelines on ethics and the disciplinary guidelines for students writing academic papers, as they appear on the website of the Academic Secretariat.


A teacher may give prior permission for a paper to be submitted by a group of students. This permission does not apply to seminar papers or oral reports. Where a final paper for a course is submitted by a group of students, there shall be a component of individual evaluation.


Where a student has submitted a paper to a teacher, the teacher may summon him to appear before him to examine the student’s knowledge on the subject matter of the paper and verify that the paper is the product of the student’s own work.


External assistance is prohibited. Any citation from material published or not yet published from any book, article, paper, concept, program, diagram, graph etc. shall be presented in quotation marks with reference to the source in the body of the paper and in a bibliography (according to the rules on citations).


Submission date

The dates of submission of final papers that are the final assignments of a course, shall be published in the academic bulletins at the beginning of each year prior to the date of registration for the courses.


The paper shall be submitted on the date determined for its submission. Where no date has been determined, the final date for the submission of a paper shall be by no later than the end of the semester after the semester in which the course was studied (including the summer semester).


An exception to this rule is only possible with the approval of the teacher or the teaching committee of the unit concerned.


Such approval shall not serve as a ground for deviating from the instructions on tuition fees.


Students called to continuous, active reserve duty and the date of submission of a paper falls around or within the period of service, shall be entitled to an extension for submission of the paper, upon coordination with the course teacher and with the approval of the teaching committee, for a period of time of not less than the duration of the service.


Students who are absent due to an entitling event* around or on the date determined for the submission of a paper (up to two days prior to the date determined) shall be able to submit the assignment or alternative assignment (an alternative assignment is possible, except in cases of final papers for a course or seminar papers), in accordance with the decision of the teacher, and within 7 weeks of the end of the period of absence.

(*) Entitling event - bed rest during pregnancy, birth, adoption or receiving custody of a child (as set forth in section 19B subsection (c) of the Student Rights Law, 2007.


Submission of paper

A student shall submit a paper to the teacher personally or via the department office or the Student Secretariat, or by email. Papers shall be submitted by the student in accordance with the guidelines determined by the unit.



Submission of seminar papers

Seminar papers shall be submitted to the teacher through the unit office according to the submission dates to be determined by the Academic Secretariat for the academic year of that same year. These dates shall be published in the faculty bulletins.

The University-wide dates for submission of seminar papers in the 5782-2022 academic year:

Semester A: Sunday May 1, 2022, 30 Nissan, 5782

Semester B and annual courses: Sunday, September 18, 2022, 22 Ellul, 5782

Summer semester: Sunday, October 30, 2022, 5 Heshvan, 5782


Evaluation of paper and grading

Submission of grades:

Seminar paper - a teacher shall submit the grade for a seminar paper to the office within two months of the date determined for submission of the paper. In exceptional cases, the teaching committee may approve an extension of the date for publication of the grade.

Final paper of course - a teacher shall submit the grade for a final paper of a course to the office within three weeks of the date determined for its submission.


Return of papers:

The final paper of a course shall be returned to students or shall be deposited in the department/faculty office, pursuant to the instructions of the unit.

Papers deposited in the office shall be kept until the end of the semester following the date of publication of the grade.


The student’s responsibility:

The data, ancillary data and interim results which served as the basis for a paper and which were prepared by the student in coordination with a teacher shall be kept by the student until the final grade is awarded for the paper.


To keep a copy of the paper he submitted.


A student shall not submit the same paper in more than one course in the University.



A student is entitled to appeal the grade for a paper, provided that he was given an opportunity to review it prior to the submission of an appeal. The student shall submit a reasoned appeal within 5 days of the date of publication of the grade. The appeal shall be submitted in writing to the unit office under the unit’s internal procedures. The teacher shall be obligated to respond to the appeal in writing within 10 days of the date of submission of the appeal.



Use of University Name

Students wishing to publish the final papers they prepared within the framework of their studies may use the University name only after obtaining the advisor’s approval.


In the event such approval is granted, the advisor’s name and the University’s name should be printed on the paper and it should be marked in the publication that the paper was prepared as a doctoral thesis or as a final thesis for a Master’s degree within the framework of the University. The method of reference of the University name (if it appears) in the seminar paper submitted for publication shall be determined between the advisor and the student.


A student applying to various entities in connection with a seminar and/or thesis paper, or in connection with any other paper made within the framework of his studies at the University, must mention that the application is in connection with such paper, and it does not constitute an application from the University, only his own personal application.




Final grade components of a course are brought to the attention of the students by the teacher in the syllabus or at the beginning of each course. A pass grade is determined on the basis of various components, such as interim examinations, submission of assignments, end of course examination, etc.


Grade key:

Grade key at Tel Aviv University is as follows:







Fairly good




Very good




The lowest pass grade is 60.

A fail shall be marked in the study record by a numerical grade.

In the certificate of courses and grades (transcript) a fail in a course shall be marked “fail” and not a numerical grade. Other grades shall be marked by a numerical value.


Improvement of positive grade

A student wishing to improve a positive grade will be able to do so within the framework of the procedures and regulations of the faculty or unit in which he studies.


Where a student is examined more than once in a course – the final grade is the determining grade.





Final grade

A final grade is determined for every student at the University after having lawfully completed his studies toward the degree. The faculty or study unit shall determine the grade components and the weighting method. The weighting method is presented to the students in the faculty bulletins.

Grades from courses studied in other institutions of higher education and forming the basis for an exemption from courses at Tel Aviv University shall not be weighted into the final grade.


A student cannot improve or alter a grade or transfer a grade within the framework of surplus courses to a degree after weighting the final grade and obtaining a certificate on eligibility for a degree.


Completion of Studies and Date of Eligibility for a Degree

The date of eligibility for a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree is the day on which the student completed his final obligation for the degree (the date of the final examination, the date of submission of a paper, the date of defense of a thesis for a master’s degree).


Study Certificates

Conditions for receipt of study certificates:

Compliance with all academic requirements

Payment of tuition fees according to the University tuition fees regulations

Payment for the certificate


Below are details of the certificates and the issuing entity:

Translation of diploma from Hebrew to English

Academic Secretariat

Copy of diploma

Academic Secretariat

Record of studies (Hebrew or English) **

Faculty Office

Certificate on eligibility for degree or diploma

Faculty Office

Certificate for internship

Faculty Office

Certificate on studies in a specific year

Student Registration and Administration Dept.


** Record of studies granted during studies or at the time of suspension of studies reflects the student’s study status: his academic status, his achievements in his studies (final grade in each course registration) and all the courses he registered in from the beginning of his studies in the department.

No certificate shall be granted on one course or part of the courses studied.


Suspension and Renewal of Studies


Suspension of Studies

A student may suspend his bachelor’s degree studies for a period not exceeding two academic years, without this period being included within the number of academic years of study for his degree.

A student who has decided to suspend his studies must immediately notify the study department and the Registration and Students Administration Division. Notification on suspension of studies may be made in one of the following ways: in the student’s personal information, by email to, or by registered mail or personal delivery. Support for the student’s notification on the suspension of his studies by registered mail, shall only be in a certificate from the post office attesting to the notice having been sent by registered mail, or by a written confirmation from the Registration and Students Administration Division on receipt of a personal notice. A student notifying on the suspension of his studies must verify receipt of the certificate on his notice within two weeks of sending the notice.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a student who never registered to courses (apart from someone not having to attend courses or under an academic bar to his registration for courses) by the latest final date of registration for courses in the same semester, shall be deemed to have notified of the suspension of his studies on such date, even if he did not send a notice thereon. The rules mentioned in the tuition fee regulations published on the University website shall apply to suspension of studies. Likewise, a student suspending his studies must immediately return books he borrowed from the University libraries.




Renewal of studies


A student who is not registered to courses or who suspended his studies before he completed at least 4 – 5 courses with at least 8 – 10 semester hours and did not sit the examinations, will be unable to renew his studies at the faculty. He must register as a new candidate and will be bound by all the accepted selection and admission rules at the time of re-registration.

A student who has completed at least 4 – 5 courses with at least 8 – 10 semester hours, successfully passed the examinations and was entitled to continue his studies at the time he notified of the suspension of his studies, and who wishes to renew his studies, shall submit a request to the faculty office for the renewal of studies. Such student is obligated to pay the tuition renewal fees and will be required to reach “exemption” level in English at the end of the first semester of his studies.


Renewal of studies for an undergraduate degree and graduate degree is subject to the procedure on study time limits set forth below. A student renewing his studies is obligated according to the format of study prevailing in the year of the renewal of studies.



Studies at the University are based on enormous trust between the institution and those persons studying therein and require conduct befitting the dignity of the University and the status of the students.

A disciplinary offense leads to disciplinary prosecution pursuant to the disciplinary regulations, in addition to measures taken by the University’s teachers or employees by virtue of their authority. Students must be diligent about discipline and proper conduct in all areas of activity inside or outside the University. An act or omission shall be deemed a disciplinary offense in the following instances:

  • Failure to comply with the regulations and procedures determined by the University authorities or non-fulfillment of the instructions of its teachers and employees
  • Failure to observe the rules of integrity and fairness applying to the writing of examinations, home assignments, seminar papers, final papers, other papers, and also failure to observe the rules of integrity and fairness when contacting the University authorities in writing or verbally.
  • Conduct obstructing lessons and examinations and also teachers and employees.
  • Conduct harming other students.
  • Causing damage to installations, equipment and campus property.
  • Disruptive activities taking place on campus.

The penalties that students convicted of a disciplinary offense may be liable to are heavy, sometimes disqualification of academic achievements or even withdrawal from studies for extensive periods.




Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment and persecution stemming from sexual harassment violate human dignity, freedom, privacy and equality between the sexes. They are also criminal acts and grounds for a tort claim, since entry into effect of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law. Sexual harassment and persecution stemming from sexual harassment affect labor relations and are contrary to the employer’s policy and will not be tolerated.





Undergraduate Studies


Admission requirements for undergraduate studies


General admission requirements

Eligibility for a matriculation certificate satisfying the University’s requirements.

Passing the psychometric examination to the level required by the University, with the exception of anyone who is in compliance with specific admission requirements.


Knowledge of English – candidates for most study units must reach an advanced A level standard before commencement of their studies. In some units a higher standard is required. For further details, view the chapter on the Division of Foreign Languages or information for candidates.

Candidates who are exempt from the psychometric examination must take the Amir English placement examination.


Knowledge of Hebrew – candidates must prove the level of proficiency of Hebrew required for academic studies (at least level C), all before the commencement of their studies at the University.


Admission requirements for the study units

The admission committees of the study units determine their own admission requirements. Their decisions are final and non-appealable, except in the event of a candidate having new academic data that were not brought to the knowledge of the admissions committee and were submitted on time.

The decisions of the admissions committee are only in effect for the semester in which the candidate requested to be admitted. A candidate who was accepted and did not commence studying in the same semester, or he did not complete one semester or at least one academic year, must register and repeat the admissions process.


Student Candidate Categories for an Undergraduate Degree


Below are the main points of information appearing in the procedure on Student Candidate Categories at Tel Aviv University


3. Regular student

3.1     A student with a matriculation certificate who registered for studies for an undergraduate degree, satisfied the general admission requirements of the University and the special conditions of the study unit to which he requested to be admitted, and the admissions committee approved his request.


3.2     A student for an undergraduate degree who was admitted to studies in this status after previous studies at a recognized institution of higher education or at an institution with which the University has accreditation agreements.


3.3     A student as stated above who is continuing his studies under the rules of the University and the rules of the study unit.


3.4     A student who was moved to this status as stated in sections 4.4, 5.5 of the procedure.


4.  Non-regular student


4.1     A student who was admitted to studies for an undergraduate degree by the admissions committee and he lacks a grade in one subject for completion of his matriculation certificate or is an outstanding high school graduate who the admissions committee approved his admission to study for an undergraduate degree, and one or more of his matriculation grades have not yet been received from the Ministry of Education on the date of his registration to University.


4.2     A non-regular student admitted to study on condition that he is eligible for a matriculation certificate within the period of time determined by the admissions committee, and that shall not exceed one academic year.


4.3     Rights and obligations: a non-regular student is entitled to receive approval of his academic achievements (transcript) with a note on his status.


4.4     Change of status: a non-regular student shall be approved as a regular student and his studies shall be recognized retroactively if he satisfies the academic requirements of the University and of the study unit in which he is studying and he shall be eligible for a matriculation certificate.


5. Conditional student

5.1     A student with a status of regular student who was required to complete one or more of the conditions specified below: (5.1.1) to prove knowledge of Hebrew; (5.1.2) to prove knowledge of a foreign language; (5.1.3) to complete a specific assignment determined by the admissions committee or the teaching committee.


5.2     A conditional student is admitted to studies on condition that he completes the assignment/s imposed on him within the period of time determined by the admissions / teaching committee, that shall not exceed one academic year. In special cases the teaching committee of the faculty may approve a conditional student for the continuation of studies in this status for an additional academic year, but in no event can a student remain in this status for a period exceeding two academic years.


5.3     A conditional student is obligated to all the academic requirements of the University and of the study unit in which he is studying. Furthermore, he is obligated to satisfy the condition imposed at the time of his admission to studies within the period of time determined by the admissions / teaching committee.


5.4     A conditional student is entitled to receive a certificate of his academic achievements (transcript) with a note on his status.


5.5     Change of status: a conditional student shall be approved as a regular student and his studies shall be recognized retroactively, if he satisfies the condition imposed at the time of his admission to studies, and with all the academic requirements of the University and of the study unit in which he is studying within the period of time determined.


5.6     Where a conditional student has not satisfied such condition within the period of time determined – he shall not be permitted to continue his studies and shall not be eligible for an academic degree.


6. Special status student


6.1     A student who, according to a reasoned decision of the admissions committee in the study unit or of the Rector, was admitted to study in a specific department in a regular study program for an undergraduate degree, and he is not studying for a degree at Tel Aviv University, and to which at least one of the following conditions applies:


6.1.1  he has an academic degree;

6.1.2  he is studying to obtain credits (in his studies) at one institution of higher education and received approval from this institution to study at Tel Aviv University;

6.1.3 a student whose studies were approved in specific courses without these studies granting an academic degree.


6.2     A special status student is entitled to be examined and submit papers and assignments in courses in which he was permitted to participate.


6.3     ---


6.3.1  A special status student shall not be eligible for an academic degree. His studies in this status shall not grant him cumulative credits in studies for an academic degree, unless the teaching committee of the faculty / school decides otherwise, provided that the grades achieved in each of the courses in respect of which he is requesting credits shall not be less than 70 and the average of all the course grades he studied in special status is not less than 80. A deviation from this condition requires the Rector’s approval.


6.3.2  Without derogating from section 6.3.1, at the time of admission of outstanding high school students as regular students, the unit teaching committee shall have authority to recognize specific courses studied by these students, without the requirements stated in subsection 6.3.1. With respect to the study limitation period, years of military service shall not be taken into account.


6.4     A special status student is entitled to receive confirmation of his studies noting his status.


Duration of Undergraduate Degree Studies


The duration of undergraduate degree studies in various study units is not consistent.

The regular format of studies for an undergraduate degree is a full three-year study program (six semesters), with the exception of several units, for example, the Faculty of Engineering, the School of Medicine, the School of Architecture, the nursing department, etc.

When studying for an undergraduate degree, the common tracks of study are as follows:

The dual-major program, consisting of two courses of study and the single major track consisting of one course of study.


General University Requirements and Transition Conditions

Obtaining an exemption in English

A first-year undergraduate student obligated to study English as a foreign language is required to complete his studies in English courses and reach a grade of “exempt” within a year of the date of commencement of his studies at the University (this period of time shall be calculated according to the calendar year). There are units in which the option is given of reaching an exemption within three semesters. Every student must check this in the faculty bulletin in the faculty where he is studying.

A student who switches a study major must reach exemption level within a period of time not exceeding the period of time required for an exemption by the unit to which he transferred from the year of commencement of his studies at the University.

Exceptions to this rule: new immigrants from non-English speaking countries. Students who have not reached the minimum level shall participate in suitable courses and they will be required to reach the level of “Advanced A” by the beginning of the second year of their studies and “exempt” level by the beginning of the third year of their studies. The faculty teaching committee may approve a postponement on reaching the “exempt” level for the above students (both undergraduate students and graduate students) on a personal basis, each case on its own merits.

A student who on the basis of his previous studies was accepted to the second year at the University must reach “Advanced B” level before starting his studies at the University and “exempt” level at the end of the first semester of his studies. Such student accepted to the third year must reach “exempt” level of English before the commencement of his studies at the University.


The above rules are minimum rules and the faculty may determine more stringent rules.



Obtaining an exemption in Hebrew

Students must reach “exempt” level by no later than the end of the second semester of their studies at the University. These rules also apply to students switching a study major or study track and the faculty teaching committees may approve on a personal basis a postponement of obtaining an exemption for the students, each case on its own merits.


The University does not hold courses on knowledge of the Hebrew language within the framework of mandatory studies for a degree. Hebrew may be studied outside of the University, at the student’s option. One of the frameworks for Hebrew language studies is “the Center for Hebrew Studies (R.A.)” which the University authorized to provide teaching services within the area of the University. The courses are paid courses to be paid by the student to the Center (the payment amount shall be published in the tuition fees bulletin).

Other frameworks for Hebrew studies are found in Hebrew language schools.

Students who studied in external frameworks will be required to undergo an internal selection examination within the framework of the Center for Hebrew Studies (R.A.).

The Center for Hebrew Studies (R.A.) holds an intensive summer course for payment. Opening a course depends on the number of students at each level. Participation in the course is for payment. The Students’ Administration holds Hebrew courses in various frameworks. These courses are under the authority of the Students’ Administration.


Center address: School of Engineering, 30 Haim Levanon Street, Room 140.

Telephone: 03-6408947, 03-6406357.


Enrichment classes – “combined tools” program

The combined tools program is an academic program constituting part of the undergraduate degree studies and offering courses in different fields of knowledge. Its purpose is to expand knowledge, illuminate by general knowledge and create interest and curiosity, by exposure to a broad variety of areas of interest, thought, research and creativity far from the field of study for the degree. As has been said, “combined tools” courses are an integral part of the student’s obligations for completion of a degree, and students must complete the cap of combined tools hours according to their study track until the end of their undergraduate degree studies. The courses will appear in the student’s official transcript, but shall not be weighted in the final grade for the degree.

Full information on the structure of the program, the courses, the scope of combined tools hours can be found on the program website.


Starting in the 5782 (2021/22) academic year, new students in the Engineering, Exact Sciences and Life Sciences Faculties will be required as part of their study program to study courses within the “The Spirit of Humanities”, cross-discipline program instead of The Complementary Studies program (Kelim Shluvim) requirement. For further details, please contact the Student Secretariat.


Courses in English – every student is obligated to study two courses in English during the degree as part of the study program (these are not courses to complete the level of English of the Division of Foreign Languages, but courses of the discipline). A student in a dual-major track will be able to choose whether to study the two courses in the same department or study one course in each department (depending on the requirements of the study program).

The study obligation applies to every new student in the study program from the 5782 (2021/22) academic year and henceforth. (Students who began their studies in 5782 (2021/22) are obligated to take one course in English).


Recognition of Previous Studies

Recognition of studies from another academic institution


A student who studied at a recognized academic institution studies for an undergraduate degree (bachelor’s degree), did not receive a degree for these studies and is interested in continuing his studies for a degree at Tel Aviv University, shall apply to the teaching committee of the department or faculty or anyone authorized by them, with a request for his studies to be recognized as part of his obligations toward his degree.

Such student must undergo the regular registration and admission procedures for the University on the official dates. In any event, a student who did not complete studies at another institution and wishes to continue his studies at Tel Aviv University must study at least one third (1/3) of the study program and no less than one academic year (in each of the components of his study track). A faculty may determine more stringent rules.

It should be clarified that such student must study the supplementary third of the total studies required in the study unit and at least one seminar course in each of the components of his study track (in departments in which the seminar is being given) at Tel Aviv University.

Grades constituting the basis for an exemption from courses at Tel Aviv University are not included in the weighting of the final grade. A student who has completed his studies at Tel Aviv University, after having obtained an exemption from some of the study subjects on the basis of his studies at another institution shall be entitled to receive a bachelor’s degree with honors or summa cum laude if he studied at Tel Aviv University the cap of study hours as set forth in the procedure on granting degrees with honors or summa cum laude.

Courses studies at non-academic institutions shall not be recognized. In exceptional cases an academic unit may request recognition of a non-academic course, subject to the approval of the University Undergraduate Degree Committee.


Study Limitation Period for Undergraduate or Graduate Degree


Below is the basic information appearing in the procedure on undergraduate or graduate degree studies limitation period:


Suspension of studies means the suspension of studies for an undergraduate or graduate degree at the University, at the initiative of the student or at the initiative of the University, whatever the reason for the suspension. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a suspension of studies caused in consequence of mandatory service in the IDF shall not be deemed a suspension of studies.


3.       Study program after suspension: a student renewing his studies will be obligated to a full study program which will run from the time of renewal of his studies, with the exception of courses which he passed, and in which his studies did not exceed the limitation period, either in light of the provisions of section 4 below, or by virtue of a decision under sections 5 or 6.


4.       Suspension without expiration of the limitation period: suspension of studies for a period of up to two calendar years will not cause the expiration of the limitation period of the courses which the student passed in the period prior to such suspension.


5.       Suspension where there may be expiration of the limitation period:


5.1     In any event of suspension of studies for a period exceeding two years, but not exceeding five years, the issue of recognition of courses the student passed before the suspension of studies shall be discussed in the unit teaching committee (if any) or in the faculty teaching committee (where there is no unit committee).


5.2     The teaching committee shall examine, among other things, the grades the student achieved in the courses stated in the subsection and the changes that were made in these course programs, and it may determine that there will be no expiration of the limitation period of all or part of the courses, or that the expiration of the limitation period applies to these courses and the student must restudy the entire study program.


 6.      Suspension with expiration of the limitation period: if the period of suspension of the student’s studies exceeds five calendar years, there will be full expiration of the limitation period of all the courses the student studied before the suspension of his studies.


7.       Exceptions to suspension where the limitation period has expired: in special cases the Rector or his deputy may determine that courses which the student passed prior to the suspension of his studies for a period exceeding five years, shall not expire, upon the fulfilment of all the following:


7.1     The faculty teaching committee shall submit in writing a reasoned recommendation thereon.


7.2     The student’s grade in each of these courses shall be at least “Good”.


7.3     In any event the scope of recognition of courses from before the suspension of his studies does not exceed two thirds (2/3) of the study program in effect at the time of renewal of studies, and the student shall therefore be obligated to study at least one third (1/3) of the study program in effect at that time.


Minimum rules


The rules set forth in this procedure are minimum University-wide rules, and each faculty may determine more stringent rules for those persons studying there.


Format of Studies of a Major After a Degree (additional study program in undergraduate degree studies)


Studies in a dual-major program for undergraduates or graduates.


1.       Graduates (bachelor’s degree) or persons with an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution of higher education or a master’s degree who are interested in studying another major from the dual-major program for an undergraduate degree shall be able to do so, subject to the approval of the unit admissions committee, after undergoing the regular registration and admission procedures. These students must participate in the full cap of study hours as required by the study program of the department. Up to one quarter of the study program courses may be switched by courses with overlapping content studied in the previous degree, with the approval of the unit committee. It should be emphasized that there can only be switching where there is overlapping content, and not a reduction in the cap of study hours in the program.


2.       Students in single-major programs for an undergraduate degree who are interested in studying contemporaneously with their studies a further course of study from the dual major program for an undergraduate degree shall be able to do so, subject to the approval of the unit admissions committee, after having undergone the regular registration and admissions procedures. In programs with a disciplinary area similar to the main area of studies, a reduction may be permitted in the credit points by up to one quarter of the study program in the single major format in respect of courses with overlapping content in two programs (if there is any such overlap), with the approval of the unit committee. The major studied in the “major after degree” format shall be studied in the full scope required.


Upon completion of studies, a “University graduate” diploma shall be granted with a note on the format of studies (major after degree). The diploma grants a right to continue with graduate degree studies in the same field (subject to the admissions requirements).


Additional Graduate Diploma (Bachelor’s Degree)

Graduates wishing to study at Tel Aviv University for another University graduate degree in a dual-major track or expanded track shall be required to study at least three quarters of the full study program. An exemption from courses shall be given on the basis of the achievements in the relevant courses, with the approval of the unit committee.


Outstanding Students in Studies for Undergraduate Degree

Every year, before the end of the first semester, the Rector chooses the outstanding students in the past year. The Rector grants these students a certificate of excellence in a special ceremony.


Granting Degrees and Diplomas

Diplomas are granted once a year in special faculty ceremonies. Approval of eligibility for a degree may be obtained at the faculty office by the date of the ceremony.


Granting a Bachelor’s Degree with Honors or Summa Cum Laude

An honors grade or a summa cum laude grade in a University graduate diploma is not merely a technical matter, but requires the approval of the academic authorities of the University for each individual student.

A minimum condition for checking a student’s eligibility to obtain a graduate degree with honors is a final grade for the degree of 85 and above, and for summa cum laude of 95 and above, provided that the scope of the study program he studied satisfied the University requirements.

These rules are minimum rules, and each unit may determine more stringent rules.

For students completing their studies in the dual-major track, the honors or summa cum laude shall be noted on their diploma. If they excelled in one or both of their majors, the honors or summa cum laude shall be noted alongside the name of the appropriate major in the diploma.

For students completing a major and a minor track, or an expanded track and units, the honors shall be noted in their diplomas, if the weighted average of final grades in the major and the minor, or in the expanded track and in the unit/s satisfies the criteria for honors.



Exemption from Payment of Tuition Fees in Respect of Surplus Hours for Outstanding Students


Students who completed the entire Bachelor’s degree with honors (double-major or combined track – honors in both majors) shall be entitled to an exemption from tuition fees for up to 6 surplus hours from the undergraduate studies. The surplus hours shall be studied concurrently with other courses from the regular program. For the purpose of credit, the student is required to approach the tuition fee unit after completion of studies. In any event, the student must complete a minimum of study hours, as required, to obtain a degree.


Recognition of Reserve Duty or Community Service Activity


A student studying for a Bachelor’s degree (full Bachelor’s degree) shall be entitled to submit a request for recognition of two credit points once during his studies for community service activity and pursuant to the University rules appearing on the Dean of Students website.


Full details on the criteria entitling to recognition for reserve duty or community service activity appear on the website of the Unit for Social Involvement at the Dean of Students.


Graduate Studies


Registration of Candidates for Graduate Degree Studies


Candidates holding an undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s degree) from an academic institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education with a final grade of at least seventy-five (75) may register for studies.

Each faculty or study unit has authority to determine other special admission requirements.

In exceptional cases and with the approval of the Rector or his deputy, candidates whose final grade is less than “Good” but not lower than a grade of 70 may be registered. If such candidates are accepted, their status shall be “conditional” and they will have to complete the obligations imposed on them by the unit admissions committee, within a period of time to be determined by it, and which shall not exceed one academic year.

Candidates who do not have academic education from institutions abroad (including branches in Israel of foreign universities) shall be brought for deliberation before the unit admissions committee. Anyone with 80% of their studies having been studied at the institution itself or at a recognized academic institution, shall be permitted to be registered.


English and Hebrew Requirements

Requirements for English – candidates who are graduates of institutions whose language of study is not English and graduates of various colleges shall be required to present an “exempt” level in English by the commencement of the master’s degree studies.


Requirements for Hebrew – generally, in the minimum requirements for admission to a graduate degree, students will not be required to prove knowledge of Hebrew. Each unit may add a requirement of knowledge of Hebrew, at its discretion.


The unit teaching committees may approve on a personal basis the postponement of achieving an “exemption” in Hebrew and English for new immigrant students – each case on its own merits.


Categories of Student Status for Master’s Degree


Below is the main information from the procedure on the categories of student status at Tel Aviv University


7. Regular student


7.1     A student with a degree at a grade of at least “Good”, who registered for studies for a master’s degree, who satisfied the general admission conditions of the University and the special conditions of the study unit to which he requested to be admitted and the admission committee of the study unit approved his admission.


7.2     A regular student continuing his studies according to the University rules and the rules of the study unit.


8. Non-regular student


8.1     A student who the admission committee approved his admission to studies for a master’s degree and who did not complete the requirements of a graduate degree of the University. The student’s admission in this manner is in exceptional cases only.


8.2     A non-regular student accepted to studies on condition that he is eligible for a “University graduate” degree at a grade of at least “Good”, within the period of time determined by the admissions committee and which shall not exceed one academic year.


8.3     Rights and obligations: a non-regular student is entitled to receive a certificate of his achievements in his studies (transcript) noting his status.


8.4     Change of status: a non-regular student shall be approved as a regular student and his studies shall be recognized retroactively if he satisfied the condition stipulated at the time of his admission to studies, within the period of time determined.


9. Conditional student


9.1     In special cases a student holding a graduate degree will be admitted at a conditional status to study a master’s degree where:


9.1.1 His final grade in his graduate degree studies is lower than “Good” but not lower than 70.


9.1.2  According to the University rules and/or the study unit rules, he is required to complete certain assignments, such as achieving a specific grade average in his first year of studies, proof of knowledge of a language (Hebrew or English).


9.2     Rights and obligations: a conditional student admitted to studies on condition that he completed the assignments imposed on him within the period of time determined by the admissions / teaching committee and which shall not exceed one academic year.


9.3     A conditional student shall be entitled to receive a certificate of his achievements in his studies (transcript) noting his status.


9.4     Change of status: a conditional student shall be approved as a regular student and his studies shall be recognized retroactively if he satisfies the condition stipulated at the time of his admission to studies and the academic requirements of the study unit in which he is studying.


9.5     Where such a student has not satisfied the condition imposed on him within the period of time determined – he shall not be permitted to continue his studies.


10. Special status student


10.1   A student who according to a reasoned decision of the admissions committee in the study unit, or of the Rector, who was accepted to studies in a specific department and received approval to participate in courses from the regular study program for an undergraduate or master’s degree and who is not studying for a degree at Tel Aviv University. With the exception of students in “accumulated studies”, studies at special status are not studies for a degree at Tel Aviv University.

          When a special status student is accepted, at least one of the following conditions shall apply:


10.1.1     he has an academic degree

10.1.2     he is a graduate of a college recognized as an institution of higher education

10.1.3     he studies to receive credits (on his studies) at another institution of higher education and received from this institution approval to study at Tel Aviv University

10.1.4     a student whose studies in certain courses were approved, without these studies granting an academic degree or diploma.


10.2   A special status student is entitled to be examined and to submit papers and assignments in the courses he was permitted to participate in.


10.3   A special status student shall not be entitled to an academic degree and his studies at this status shall not grant him accumulated rights to studies for an academic degree, unless the unit teaching committee decided otherwise. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the student’s studies in “accumulated studies” shall grant him accumulated rights and his studies at this status shall be recognized when he changes to the status of regular student. A student of accumulated studies is a student whose admission to master’s degree studies at Tel Aviv University was approved, but he cannot devote most of his time to studies to a degree and he participates in several courses each year.


10.4   A special status student is entitled to obtain a certificate of studies (transcript) noting his status.


Duration of Master’s Degree Studies


The duration of studies for a University master’s degree is two years.

Studies may be extended for one year and in exceptional cases by an additional year. For each year in excess of the regular years, an additional study delay fee shall be collected on the tuition fee pursuant to the tuition fee regulations.

Students who are unable to devote most of their time to their studies and complete their studies within two years shall be able to choose, in some of the units, before the commencement of their studies, an accumulation of studies track, a study track for a master’s degree (special status) in a partial scope.

See further details in the faculty bulletins and on the unit websites.



Cap on Master’s Degree Studies (including Recognition of Previous Studies)


The cap on master’s degree studies shall not fall below 28 semester hours in a track with a thesis or below 36 semester hours in a track without a thesis.

The cap of study hours for a student who received an exemption from courses on the basis of previous studies for a master’s degree at another recognized university and who did not complete them and received a master’s degree diploma in respect thereof is:

In the thesis track – at least half the cap of study hours for the degree studied and also the thesis.

In the non-thesis track – at least two thirds (2/3) of the cap of study hours for the degree studied and also additional assignments such as a project, final examination, etc.




A thesis shall be submitted in Hebrew or English (the language shall be determined in consultation with the advisor/s).

There are units in which the thesis will only be submitted in Hebrew.

With the approval of the master’s degree unit teaching committee, the thesis may be written in another language relevant to the nature of the research. In these cases, an abstract shall be written in Hebrew. In any event, the student must write an abstract and table of contents in Hebrew and English.


Students in international programs submitting their thesis in English shall be exempt from writing an abstract in Hebrew. In cases where the foreign student is studying in a regular program and is writing his thesis for his master’s degree in English, a request shall be submitted to also exempt him from writing an abstract in Hebrew.

The University does not permit the preparation of privileged theses.

One digital copy of each paper (without any limit on grade) shall be transmitted to the relevant library. A form signed by the student and the advisor shall be submitted for each paper containing consent or a postponement of presentation of the paper in the digital database.


Thesis guidance procedures may be found in the units.


Master’s Program Non-Thesis Track

In many departments there is a non-thesis master’s program track.

For precise details please check the faculty bulletins.

Students who have completed their master’s degree studies in this track and were found suitable by the relevant committee may submit a thesis at a later stage.

These students shall not receive an additional master’s diploma, and the grade of their thesis shall not be weighted with the grades in the master’s degree studies they completed.


Surplus Courses for a Degree


During the master’s degree studies a student is entitled, with the approval of the faculty, to study up to 6 surplus semester hours for enrichment purposes (beyond the cap of hours for the degree), without the collection of an additional payment (in Semester A and/or B). The credit will be given at the end of the studies on the basis of the approval of the department, subject to the Regulations. Below are the criteria according to which the faculty will approve a surplus course: 1. The course does not replace a course in which the student failed; 2. The course does not replace a mandatory course or a course constituting a precondition for another course from the degree studies; 3. All the course requirements were satisfied and the final grade therein is not 220 or 240 or 230 or 250 or 260; 4. The course does not constitute a repetition of a course already studied.

The student must contact the department office upon completion of his studies.



Weighting of Grades and Determination of Final Grade in Master’s Degree Studies


Each faculty is competent to determine the method of weighting the final grade for the master’s degree. The grade components are as follows:

Thesis grade (in the thesis track) or grade in final examination and also the student’s grades in courses, seminar papers, etc.

A grade cannot be improved after weighting the final grade and obtaining approval of eligibility for a degree.

There is no appeal on the thesis grade.

No final grade shall be given in a diploma on completion of master’s degree studies in the direct doctoral track.


Grant of Master’s Degree With Honors or Summa Cum Laude


An honors or summa cum laude grade in the University master’s diploma is not merely a technical procedure, but requires the approval of the academic authorities of the University for each individual student.

A minimum condition for checking the eligibility of a student to receive a master’s diploma with honors is a final grade for the degree of 90 and above and of 95 and above for summa cum laude, in a study program of a scope satisfying the University requirements.

Generally, the number of recipients of honors degrees does not exceed 15% - 20% of all those who finish.


These rules are minimum rules, and each unit may determine more stringent rules. The honors shall not be mentioned in a master’s degree diploma granted in the direct doctoral track.



Studies for Master’s Degree in Two Areas of Specialization in the Same Department

A master’s degree graduate who completed his studies in one field of specialization and is interested in master’s degree studies in an additional field of specialization in the same major will be able to do so subject to the approval of the unit teaching committee.


Additional Master’s Degree in a Similar Field of Study


A master’s degree graduate wishing to study for an additional master’s degree in a similar field of study will be required to complete at least two thirds (2/3) of the cap of study hours, as required from the study program and to write an additional thesis.

The exemption to be given from the total hours required for the degree will be on the basis of an examination of the overlapping courses in both fields.



Doctor of Philosophy Degree Studies


The information appearing below appears in the Research Students Regulations (Guideline 12-005) and is presented for the purpose of giving general and non-binding information. The student must review the complete version of the Regulations and also the unit regulations that may be obtained from the research students unit office.

The unit regulations may determine admission conditions, special requirements and obligations that are in addition to or more stringent than those determined in the University regulations.


The “Doctor of Philosophy” degree (PhD) is the highest degree given on behalf of Tel Aviv University and is awarded on behalf of the University (and not on behalf of any of its teaching units).


Stage I research student - anyone who has been accepted to study for a “Doctor of Philosophy” degree and his research program has not yet been approved.


Stage II research student - anyone whose research program for a “Doctor of Philosophy” degree has been approved.


Unit committee – the research students’ unit committee.


To obtain the degree, the student is required to:


1.       Successfully pass the program of studies determined for him.

2.       Conduct independent and original research involving a unique contribution to furthering the knowledge and understanding in the field of study and to submit such research as a doctoral dissertation.

3.       Prove control of the background material and professional literature in the field of study.


Admission Conditions for Study


Students will be admitted for “Doctor of Philosophy” degree studies in two tracks: the regular track and the direct track.


The regular track


The following are entitled to make an application to the unit committee for admission as a Stage I Student in this track:

1.       Anyone who has received a “University Master’s” degree or “Doctor of Medicine” (M.D.) with a weighted grade average of at least “Good” (80), and prepared a final thesis with a grade of at least 85, and obtained the consent of a member of the academic staff with authority to supervise research students, to serve as advisor.

2.       In cases of special learning, research or professional achievements, the unit committee will be able to approve an exception from the minimum grades stipulated in the previous section, with the approval of the University-Wide Committee.

3.       An administrative or technical employee of the University will not be permitted to study in the unit in which he works. Exceptional cases will be brought for the Rector’s approval.

4.       In case of a student (who is not a University employee) wishing to conduct research at his place of employment, his request will be examined by the University Research Students Committee.


A person with a “University Master’s” degree from Tel Aviv University, or from any other recognized academic institution in Israel or abroad, who received a degree with a weighted grade average of at least “Good” (80), but without a final thesis, can be admitted as a Stage I Student only after having satisfied the conditions to be determined by the unit committee, and including the following two conditions:

1.       Submission of a research paper equivalent in scope and standard to a final thesis in a master’s degree at Tel Aviv University.

2.       The grade to be given by each of the readers of the thesis is not less than 85.


A Stage I Student will be obligated, within one year, and in special cases within two years:


1.       To pass the studies and advanced studies, as may be imposed on him by the unit committee.

2.       To submit – after having completed the studies and advanced studies imposed on him – a research program signed by the designated advisor.


A Stage I Student who has duly satisfied the requirements of the studies and advanced studies program and the research program he submitted was approved by the unit committee, will be a Stage II student. The period of time allocated to a student for purposes of amending a research proposal is at the most one year from the expiration of the two years allocated.

A Stage I Student who has not satisfied the above requirements and/or failed to comply with the above period of time will have his studies discontinued.


The unit committee will not reject a research program without allowing the designated advisor to give his opinion with respect to the grounds raised against it.


A research program will not be approved for a privileged doctoral dissertation.


The direct track


The full and binding guidelines on the direct track for a doctoral degree are specified in the regulations of the (appropriate) unit committee for research students. Below are several guidelines describing the general framework of the direct track, as they appear in the University Guidelines for Research Students:


The following are entitled to make an application to the unit committee for admission to this track:


1. Students with an outstanding academic record who received an undergraduate degree with a weighted grade average of at least 90 in a three-year program, or at least 85 in a four-year program, and obtained the consent of a member of the academic staff with authority to supervise research students, to serve as advisor.


2. The unit committee may prescribe in rules to be determined by it, other suitable criteria for admission to the direct track. These criteria can also take into account the achievements of a master’s student within the scope of his studies and research toward this degree.


The unit committee may approve or reject an application for admission to the direct track, at its discretion.


A conditional Stage I Student who was accepted to this track will require supplementary studies from the master’s degree studies, as determined by the unit committee.


A conditional Stage I Student who has completed the supplementary studies to the satisfaction of the unit committee will be required to pass the “qualifying examination” to examine his knowledge in his area of specialization and his ability in independent research work. The date, scope, content, and form of the examination and the composition of examiners therein will be determined by the unit committee.


A conditional Stage I Student who has passed the “qualifying examination” will be a Stage I Student. Where a conditional Stage I Student did not pass the “qualifying examination”, his studies within the direct track will be considered part of his studies for his master’s degree.


A Stage I Student will be obligated to submit, within 6 months of the date on which the “qualifying examination” took place, and with special approval of the unit committee within a year of this date, a research program signed by the designated advisor.


It should also be noted that the unit committees for research students grant their students a master’s degree within the framework of the direct doctoral track, and according to a decision of the University graduate degree committee, the degree will be granted without noting the final grade and without noting an honors grade. The full details on the matter, as has been said, can be found in the regulations of the (appropriate) research students’ unit committee.


Course of studies and research


  • The unit committee will determine the study program of each student, taking into account the advisor’s recommendation.


  • A research student must prove, in the time determined by the unit committee, knowledge of a language or languages at a level allowing him to properly understand the relevant scientific literature. The unit committee may impose on the student additional language studies within the scope and at a level of proficiency to be determined by it.


  • A student will be obligated to act according to the supervision procedures determined by the advisor.


  • The student’s research will be conducted at the University or at one of the research institutes at an academic institution or another recognized research institution, provided however that the student stays at the University for at least one year.


  • A student will furnish the advisor, once a year, with a progress report. The advisor will approve the report by his signature and transfer it to the unit committee.


  • Where a student has not made any proper progress in his studies or research, the unit committee, in consultation with the advisor, may decide on the cancellation of his registration as a student.


  • A student may, with the written approval of the advisor, publish part of his research in the course of conducting the research work.


  • The Regulations on Inventions, Patents and their Commercialization [Guideline 01- 003 (a)] apply to inventions and patents of research students. The student will be obligated to mention that the publication is part of research work written at the University.


  • A student is required to submit a doctoral dissertation within five years of the date on which he was admitted as a Stage I Student.


  • The minimum period of time for submission of a doctoral dissertation is one year after the approval of the research program, unless the unit committee recommended otherwise and the University-Wide Committee approved the recommendation.


  • Where the research topic or the supervision composition has changed, the unit committee will extend the time for performance of the research work for an additional period of time, taking into consideration such change.


  • In special cases the unit committee may, at the reasoned request of a student and with the advisor’s recommendation, permit a student a suspension from studies for a period of up to one year.


Award of Degree


  • After completion of all the doctoral dissertation approval procedures, the student will deposit in the research students’ department a hard copy and digital copy of his dissertation.


  • The hard copy and the digital copy of the dissertation will be transferred by the research students’ department to the relevant library for the research dissertation. The hard copy will be cataloged in the library and the digital copy will be uploaded immediately to the digitalized database of theses and dissertations. A student/advisor wishing to delay the uploading of the dissertation to the digital database will complete and sign a form to upload a doctoral dissertation to the digital database attached to Appendix B of the Regulations.


  • After the deposit of the dissertation, the chairperson of the University-Wide Committee will notify the student in writing that the degree has been awarded. Copies of this notice will be sent to the advisor, the chairperson of the unit committee, the Dean, the unit head and the Academic Secretary.


  • A student will be entitled to hold a degree from the date of receipt of the notice, and the notice will serve as provisional confirmation of this right.


  • After sending the notice, the chairperson of the unit committee or one of its members, within the framework of the faculty and wherever possible in a public ceremony, will declare the award of the degree. Where the declaration has been made at a public ceremony, the student will lecture on his dissertation.


  • The “Doctor of Philosophy” degree will be awarded at a public, university-wide ceremony, on a date to be determined by the University authorities.



The Institutional Review Board for Research on Human Subjects – the University Ethics Committee


A review board operates at the University engaged in the ethical aspects of research on human subjects (University ethics committee). The committee is a committee to review the ethical aspects of research studies on human subjects, material or information from a human origin, including questionnaires, interviews, observations, recordings etc. As a general rule, any research proposal in which humans are involved, including material from a human origin or information from a human origin (including research studies conducted within the framework of studies for various degrees) shall be submitted for the approval of the ethics committee through the Board Secretariat, as follows: it is hereby clarified the ethics board is not in the practice of granting approvals retroactively, and therefore students at the data collection stage must submit a request to the ethics board.

The submission of research studies for the approval of the board (including the forms required at the time of submission) shall be performed online through the ERP system, as appears in the guidelines on the board’s website.


The list of documents required at the time of submission also appears on this website.

It is hereby clarified that the ethics board is not in the practice of granting approvals retroactively and therefore students at the data collection stage must submit a request to the ethics board.


The committee shall examine the proposal in light of acceptable ethical principles, including conducting a risk benefit analysis, proper treatment of subjects, including the safeguarding of their wellbeing, dignity and rights, respecting privacy and informed consent, with special reference to vulnerable subjects.




The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee


No use of animals shall be made at the University for research purposes except in accordance with the following rules, provided that they are being conducted for the following purposes, and the objectives cannot be achieved in other ways:

The promotion of health and medicine in Israel and the prevention of suffering.

The promotion of scientific research.

The testing or production of materials or objects.

Education and teaching.


Conducting tests to promote the cosmetics industry is prohibited.

When use of animals is essential for the purpose of trials, the smallest possible number of animals shall be used and on the lowest rung of the phylogenetic ladder possible to achieve the purposes of the trial.


Use of animals for the purpose of conducting trials shall be carried out by ensuring minimum suffering is inflicted on the animals and to safeguard their wellbeing in accordance with the purposes of the trial.


Use of animals for conducting trials shall only be carried out under the following conditions:

1. Obtaining a permit from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

2. Presentation of approval on participation in the course “Principles on Use of Laboratory Animals in Bio-Clinical Research” taught within the framework of the School of Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Medicine, or a certificate on participation in a similar course at another academic institution.





General Information


Security Arrangements


Security guards


Employees of the Security Unit are to keep order, security and the enforcement of the parking regulations within the campus. Students are under an obligation to comply with their instructions and identify themselves before them.


Entry onto campus


1.       The entrance gates to campus – the campus has several pedestrian entrance gates which are open during all hours of activity, five of which also serve as entrances for vehicles equipped with the appropriate entry authorizations:


          Gate number 1, Frankel Gate                            Opening hours: 7:30 – 19:30

          Gate number 4, Ramniceanu Gate                    Opening hours: 24/7

          Gate number 8                                                   Opening hours: 6:30 – 22:00

          Gate number 14 Moise Safra Gate                    Opening hours: 6:00 – 18:00

          Gate number 16 School of Economics              Opening hours: 7:30 -18:00


          On vacations and the eve of festivals the gates will close earlier, upon prior notification.


          It is absolutely prohibited to enter the campus by climbing over the gate.


          Opening hours of the campus gates vary during the year and are published prior to each semester, recess, vacation by the Security Unit.


2.       Security identification and check


  • Upon entry at the campus gates, it is mandatory to present a valid student card / faculty member card to the gate security guard.
  • At the demand of the gate security guard, it is mandatory to present him with any personal bags for him to perform a bag check.
  • A student or faculty member who is not in possession of a valid student card / faculty member card shall present the gate security guard with an I.D. card or driver’s license.
  • A student or faculty member who arrives at the gate without an identification document shall be kept outside the gate until the shift manager / a security patrol guard arrives to check and identify the person.
  • A person who refuses to identify himself or refuses to allow a search of his bag and belongings shall not be permitted entry onto campus.
  • If you carry a gun, please report this to the gate security guard and present him with a valid gun license.


3.       Entry onto campus, driving and parking in the campus area


  • Entry onto the campus area and parking in the campus area will be permitted for a vehicle bearing a parking tag or persons with a valid temporary parking permit issued by the Security Unit.
  • It is only permitted to ride motorcycles and scooters around the campus on the roads. Parking motorcycles and scooters is only permitted in the parking lots designated for motorcycles and scooters, subject to the parking regulations. It is absolutely prohibited to ride on the sidewalks, granolithic paving and lawns.
  • Each year an annual cap on parking tags is allocated in a lottery for students. The lottery is held according to regulations to be published. The parking tag issued to the winners of the lottery is personal and non-transferable.
  • It is prohibited to buy, sell, scan, photocopy or transfer a parking tag from person to person. Anyone finding a parking tag shall hand it in immediately to the Security Unit. It is prohibited to receive a parking tag not through the Security Unit.
  • Traffic and parking within the University limits are according to the traffic and parking signs, markings and parking on campus.
  • Traffic and parking contrary to the parking regulations constitutes an offense against the University guidelines and may lead to disciplinary punishment. A person committing an offense shall be served a parking offense report or fine option report.


4.       Entry of animals on campus - animals are not permitted onto campus, including animals in vehicles. This prohibition does not apply to guide dogs for blind and visually impaired people.


Regular hours of operation in buildings and around campus


Regular hours of operation around campus are on Sundays through Thursdays 7:00 – 21:00, on Fridays and the eve of festivals – 7:00 – 13:00.


Entry onto campus is prohibited on weekdays, at the end of the regular hours of operation on campus and on the weekends and the eve of festivals. Entry onto campus after the regular hours of operation will only be permitted for acting faculty members and students who obtained a written permit for this purpose from the faculty offices.

Entry onto campus after the regular hours of operation will only be permitted in cases of any research activity, study activity, entertainment / cultural activity or any other activity for which prior written approval was obtained from the faculty /school / department office or from any other competent authority of the University.

The faculties /units have authority to alter the regular hours of operation in the buildings according to their requirements and to bring this to the attention of the students and employees.


At the time of entry into University buildings (where there are security guards) a person must identify himself to the building guard and present an entry permit to the building or a valid student card. After the regular hours of operation, a student / faculty member shall not be permitted entry into the building without an entry permit.


Riding bicycles, roller skates, rollerblades, scooters and electric scooters on campus


Bicycles / scooters may not be brought into the campus buildings and there shall be no riding on the University lawns. Non-electric bicycles and scooters shall be parked only in the bicycle racks located next to the buildings.

Riding on bicycles belonging to the University is permitted only in campus areas. It is not permitted to ride these bicycles outside the limits of the campus.

Riding roller skates / rollerblades in the limits of the campus is not permitted.


Personal appearance and attire


Appropriate attire should be worn around campus. Walking barefoot, wearing bathing suits or going shirt-less (except in the sports center) is not permitted.


No smoking


Under the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Law smoking in any of the campus buildings is absolutely prohibited. Smoking is only permitted outside the buildings, and in open area, at least 10 meters from the entrance door. The smoking of hookahs etc. around campus, including on the lawns and open spaces on campus, is not permitted.


Protection of private property


Bags and documents shall not be kept unattended, even for short periods of time. Bags, wallets and personal items should be watched closely on campus, and particularly in the libraries and classrooms, to prevent theft and to avoid bothering the security personnel in consequence. Bags should be checked into the cloakroom in the libraries. Bags cannot be left in the entrance to the libraries.

Any bag or unattended item will be treated as a suspicious object or will be handed in to the Security Unit, all as the case may be. A disciplinary complaint shall be filed against the owner of the bag/object.

Please report to the command and control center in case of theft or lost property in the area of the campus.


Lost property on campus


Anyone who finds a lost item in one of the University buildings and is unable to find its owner shall hand it in to the manager of the house in which it was found. Anyone who finds a lost item in the area of the campus and is unable to find its owner shall hand it in to the Security Unit in the Logistics and Security Building, telephone 03-6405555.




Bringing a gun onto campus is only permitted upon presentation of a valid gun license:


1.       A citizen will be requested to present a valid permit issued by the Ministry of Internal Security matching the firearm number and the owner’s name.

2.       A soldier in uniform – in the regular army or in the reserves – will be requested to present an officer’s certificate or military I.D.

3.       The security guard at the entrance gates to the campus must be notified about anyone carrying a gun and he must be presented with the license / permit to carry the gun.

4.       It is prohibited to carry a loaded gun within the campus area. Anyone carrying a gun shall be obligated to keep the magazine detached from the gun while on campus. The gun shall be unloaded by the person carrying the gun outside of the campus.

5.       The gun should be concealed when inside the campus area.



Increased vigilance


People should remain vigilant in the campus area as to the presence of suspicious persons or suspicious objects. A suspicious person should be questioned as to what he is doing there and if necessary, should be reported to the command and control center at 03-6405555.

Suspicious objects

An unattended object is treated as a suspicious object. If an unattended object is found, keep people away from it and call the security personnel immediately for help. Try and find the owner of the object in the nearby area. Do not touch or shake the object for fear it could detonate. A suspicious object is only handled by a police explosives expert.


Advertising activity on campus


Flyers should not be distributed on campus. Putting up advertisements is only permitted on the general notice boards intended for general advertising purposes.




There will be no vending on campus, such as sale of jewelry, clothing, odds and ends, etc. without prior approval.




No ball games, frisbee, card games etc. should be played around campus. Sports activity may only be carried out inside the University sports club.


Removal of equipment


No equipment belonging to the University should be removed from campus, except with the written approval of the administrative assistant to the dean of the faculty or the head of the unit to which the equipment belongs. Anyone wishing to remove unidentified equipment will be requested by the security personnel to prove ownership of the equipment.


Security Unit offices


The Security Unit offices are located in the Logistics and Security Building, east of the Shenkar building (Chemistry), telephone 03-6405555 | emergency telephone 03-6408222 (the office is manned by shifts 24/7).



Public Activity on Campus


Below is the main information appearing in the procedure on Public Activity on Campus (Guideline no. 003-10):

The University is an institution of higher education based on the principle of academic freedom and regards freedom of expression as a fundamental condition for its existence. The University will guarantee and foster full freedom of expression in academic, cultural and social activities inside its walls within the framework of the laws of the state.




“University campus” includes buildings, installations, open spaces and lawns.


“Public activity” means a demonstration, meeting, debate, performance, presentation, festive ceremony or other event taking place within the area of the University campus and not relating to studies in the University, with the exception of scientific conferences the University or a faculty sponsors, official events of the University and events in regard to which there is a special guideline in the University Guidelines, and with the exception of commercial activity.


Any public activity taking place in the University must satisfy the following conditions:


1. Observance of the laws of the State of Israel and the University Regulations.

2. Holding the public activity shall not be an abuse of the University’s name.

3. The public activity shall not obstruct or interfere with the proper conduct of teaching, research and routine work on campus.

4. The public activity shall not damage campus infrastructures.


Activity at Antin Square:


1. Any student may hold a peaceful public activity by a demonstration or rally at Antin Square in the University, without having to obtain a prior permit, provided that he notifies the University Security Unit in advance about the activity. Such notice must reach the Security Unit before the end of the last working day before the date of holding the activity.

2. An organizer of any activity at Antin Square may publicise the activity on the public notice board on campus. Distribution of flyers about the activity around campus is prohibited.

3. During the activity it will be permitted to distribute explanatory information, sign petitions and hold banners. In any event it is not permitted to put up signs on buildings and fences or affix them in the Square, and it is also prohibited to block the entrance to campus and the buildings around the Square.

4. The organizers of any public activity shall be responsible for cleaning the campus of any such explanatory materials and pamphlets distributed.

5. It is not permitted to set up a podium / stage in the Square, including the installation of a sound system and speakers.

6. No economic activity may be permitted in the Square and no tent may be installed in the Square.

7. No activity may be held in the Square outside the regular hours of the University, including sleeping in the Square during the night hours.

8. A student wishing to organize any public activity in Antin Square which is not a demonstration or rally, or to organize public activity not in Antin Square is obligated to obtain a prior permit from the Public Activity Committee.


The Public Activity Committee shall be composed of the following eight members:

The Deputy Rector of the University – Chairperson

The University CEO

The Dean of Students

The Legal Advisor

Head of the International Academic Affairs Department

Presidents of the Student Council

A member of the academic staff to be appointed by the Rector of the University

A public figure, member of the executive board to be appointed by the chairperson of the executive board

Director of the Security Unit.


A student wishing to hold a public activity requiring a permit shall submit a request to the Dean of Students office. The request shall be submitted on a request form to hold a public activity on campus. Except in cases of extreme urgency, the request to hold a public activity shall be submitted no later than 4 working days before the planned date.


The Dean of Students, after consultation with the security officials and with the events division in the International Academic Affairs Department shall send its reply to the organizer within two working days of the date of receipt of the request.


The Public Activity Committee shall convene in special circumstances.

The Committee, or an authorized member of the Committee, may expedite the above procedures in cases of extreme urgency. Where the authorized member of the Committee has decided not to approve the holding of public activity or to hold it under limitations and conditions, the organizer may submit a reasoned appeal to the chairperson of the Committee, which shall summon the members to hear the appeal. The decisions of the Committee shall be final.


Advertising material: no advertising material shall be distributed around campus, except in cases where a prior permit was granted from the competent authorities.




The safety principles are defined in the University Guidelines. Students are required to act in accordance with the University-wide and special unit safety guidelines and procedures of the units.


The safety council, unit safety committees and a professional safety mechanism – the safety unit, all operate at the University. They are at the disposal of the students and they may be contacted in the event of defects, suggestions for improvement or questions about occupational safety and fire safety matters. Safety hazards must be reported to the house manager.


Concise information on how to act in exceptional situations and on the persons to contact in such situations is consolidated in an emergency information sheet to be found on all notice boards and in the unit offices. It is advisable to read it carefully in a state of calm, to know how to use it effectively when under pressure.


Any deviation from the safety instructions is an offense punishable by a disciplinary and even criminal penalty.


Students must report to the department office or the faculty office after being in any accident on campus. Suitable forms may be obtained from the various offices. The purposes of reporting are to assist in removal of any hazards, to draw conclusions and the issue of accident certificates.


Telephone number of Safety Unit is 03-6409555 fax 03-6408555.


First aid station and clinic are located in the Elias Sourasky Library Building.


Medical and Health Services


University Clinic


Clalit Health Services, in collaboration with Tel Aviv University, operate the campus clinic in the Elias Sourasky Central Library Building.

The clinic provides urgent medical services to all persons on campus (some partly in collaboration with Shahal).


Opening hours:

In October until June the clinic is open on Sundays to Thursdays, 8:00 to 18:00.

During the summer vacation the clinic is open from 8:00 to 16:00.


Health services offered:

Family medicine – consultant physicians and licensed nurses: laboratory tests, first aid, EKG etc.

The clinic also provides vaccination services for the following professions (nursing, medicine, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy).


Contact details for the office and office services:

Telephone: 03-6415818 | fax 03-6417672 | email


Student dental services


Students will be able to receive first aid and dental care within the framework of the clinical teaching provided at the dental clinic in the School of Dental Medicine, if the treatments meet the teaching requirements. Treatment will be performed by advanced dental students under full supervision of the School’s physicians.






Faults and maintenance


Notices on faults and maintenance hazards, such as leaking taps, broken WCs, faulty electrical switches, holes, safety hazards must be brought to the attention of the house and block manager in every building or to the attention of the fault reporting call center at telephone 03-6409999 during the hours 8:00 to 15:30. After 15:30, calls should be made to the Security Call Center at 03-6405555.


Telephone faults


Notices on internal telephone faults should be made to the fault reporting call center at 03-6408777.

Notices on external telephone faults should be made directly to Bezeq’s 166 service.


The Council for Higher Education (CHE)


The Council for Higher Education is a state institution for higher education affairs in Israel, and it determines the higher education policy in the country.



The Ruth and Allen Ziegler Dean of Students

The Dean of Students is the main entity at the University engaged in student welfare and handling their personal problems. The Dean of Students therefore maintains close contact with the academic and administrative institutions of the University and with external entities, while maintaining strict confidentiality.


The Dean’s offices


The Division of Foreign Languages

The Division has an array of semester courses in English and annual courses in different languages for academic, research and communication purposes. The courses are held concurrently with the timetable of the academic year.


The Center for Hebrew Studies (R.A.)

The Center holds courses in Hebrew designed for candidates and students who have not reached an adequate standard of Hebrew or wish to advance in their Hebrew studies.


TAU International (School for Foreign Students)


The Unit offers single-year and semester study programs and summer courses for students from English-speaking countries in a variety of areas. Lessons take place in English and give credits for North American Universities.


The Center for Teaching Advancement


The Center for Teaching Advancement was founded to improve the teaching quality in the University. The Center is currently engaged in furthering other aspects of the quality of service to students.


The University libraries


The University operates 5 central libraries and 9 departmental libraries. The University libraries provide a service to students, lecturers, employees and retirees of the University and to anyone who received permission to use their services. Please visit the library websites to see the opening hours.


The Student Union


The Student Union at Tel Aviv University is an independent NGO whose purpose is to act for the welfare of students within and outside the University, while protecting their social, economic, academic and public interests. The Union offers a broad range of activities and services in different areas.


The Elite Sports Center


The Tel Aviv University Health and Sports Center offers a variety of activities and classes. A club operates within the Center which runs the student teams in the various branches of sport within the activities of ASA (the Academic Sport Association).


The University Comptroller


The University Comptroller examines, as necessary, the legality, regularity, reasonableness, efficiency, cost effectiveness and integrity of the administration of the economy, the finances and administration of the administrative and academic units of the University and the entities under its control. The Comptroller also examines complaints which in his opinion are worthy of being examined by him directed against the University or one of its units, except on academic matters within the authority of the Senate.



אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש
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